Beet Pulp & Pellets

For technical use, production of petfood and feed, fertilizer and food and the use in fermentation industry.
All analyses are indications only and can be changed without preadvice.
DMH does not guarantee the quoted values.

NoProduct / Language/ NumberAnalysisTechnical usePet food/ FeedFertilizerFoodFermentation
4German Dried Sugar Beet Pulp - DE - DMH D3Spdf-DE
5German Sugar Beet Pulp Pellets - molassed - EN - DMH D3ZSplpdf-EN
6German Sugar Beet Pulp Pellets - molassed - EN - DMH D3ZSrpdf-EN
7German Sugar Beet Pulp Pellets - unmolassed - EN - DMH D3ZSopdf-EN
10German Dried Sugar Beet Pulp - DE - DMH D3Sapdf-DE